
Valentine's Day
24 Radiant Roses Red Roses Arrangement in Talladega, AL | GAITHER'S FLORIST
24 Radiant Roses
Red Roses Arrangement
Sometimes a dozen roses just won't do! Express your love with this magnificent display of roses! Let the message be clear with beautiful red roses from someone they love.
Shown at $255.00
Shown at $255.00
Love & Romance Bouquet Premium Designer's Choice in Talladega, AL | GAITHER'S FLORIST
Love & Romance Bouquet
Premium Designer's Choice
Send beautiful blooms and a little bit of love to that special someone! Our Premium Designer’s Choice Love & Romance bouquet is full of extravagant florals that say, “I love you.” There’s always a reason to show your appreciation to the one you love. Surprise them with flowers today!
Shown at $125.00
Shown at $125.00
Classic Rose Royale 18 Red Roses Vase in Talladega, AL | GAITHER'S FLORIST
Classic Rose Royale
18 Red Roses Vase
Treat them to the royal treatment with our Classic Rose Royale! More than your average dozen, this arrangement has 18 stunning red roses to show your love. If you're ready to wow them with breathtaking roses, give us a call!
Shown at $145.00
Shown at $145.00
Richly Rosey Bouquet of Flowers in Talladega, AL | GAITHER'S FLORIST
Richly Rosey
Bouquet of Flowers
Shown at $95.00
Shown at $95.00
Lemon Drop Roses Dozen Bouquet in Talladega, AL | GAITHER'S FLORIST
Lemon Drop Roses
Dozen Bouquet
Yellow is the true color of friendship with these sunny roses. Complemented by misty blue limonium, our Lemon Drop roses are a beautiful way say you care.
Shown at $125.00
Shown at $125.00
Valentine's Day Special Designer's Choice in Talladega, AL | GAITHER'S FLORIST
Valentine's Day Special
Designer's Choice
Make this Valentine’s Day great and give them beautiful and fresh flowers! We’ll make picking out the perfect arrangement easy on you with our Valentine’s Day Special! Nothing says, “I love you” more than a romantic bouquet that’s bursting with color. They’ll be reminded of your love every time they see it!
Shown at $75.00
Shown at $75.00
Ardent Expressions Bud Vase in Talladega, AL | GAITHER'S FLORIST
Ardent Expressions
Bud Vase
With spirited Stargazer lilies and dynamic red roses, Ardent Expressions is a stellar combo suited for many different occasions. Grand expressions come in all shapes and sizes, and this fiery bouquet is no exception! Send this dazzling arrangement to someone you love.
Shown at $75.00
Shown at $75.00
24 Mixed Roses Vase Arrangement  in Talladega, AL | GAITHER'S FLORIST
24 Mixed Roses
Vase Arrangement
Are you ready to spoil the one you love? With a mixture of yellow, pink, and bi-colored roses, our Two Dozen Mixed Roses bouquet is perfect for doing just that! Show them your love with these gorgeous flowers today.
Shown at $255.00
Shown at $255.00
Chantilly Pink Roses Arrangement in Talladega, AL | GAITHER'S FLORIST
Chantilly Pink Roses
Your Mom deserves to know how much you care. Give her a Mother's Day gift that declares what she means to you. Pink roses are known to symbolize love, gratitude and appreciation. Giving this flower arrangement will show your adoration for her.
Shown at $135.00
Shown at $135.00
Designers Choice Floral Design in Talladega, AL | GAITHER'S FLORIST
Designers Choice
Floral Design
A lovely bouquet of flowers is just what they need! Perfect for lifting spirits or just because, a beautiful arrangement is sure to put a smile on anyone’s face. Our team will make sure the flowers they receive are as special and unique as they are! It’s a gift they’ll never forget!
Shown at $85.00
Shown at $85.00
Half Dozen Pink Roses Vase Arrangement in Talladega, AL | GAITHER'S FLORIST
Half Dozen Pink Roses
Vase Arrangement
You may substitute purple, yellow, or white roses. Please make sure to notate this on your order.
Shown at $95.00
Shown at $95.00
Valentine's Day Florals Premium Designer's Choice in Talladega, AL | GAITHER'S FLORIST
Valentine's Day Florals
Premium Designer's Choice
Go above and beyond this Valentine’s Day with a gorgeous premium floral arrangement! Exquisite and magnificent, they’ll feel truly loved and cared for when receiving this bouquet. Our expert designers will create something as stunning and lovely as the one you’re sending it to. Trust us—we’ll make it a Valentine’s Day to remember!
Shown at $150.00
Shown at $150.00
Valentine's Day Designer's Choice in Talladega, AL | GAITHER'S FLORIST
Valentine's Day
Designer's Choice
It’s a time filled with love and romance, so don’t forget the flowers! Allow our designers to create something truly romantic for that special someone in your life. Between a beautiful bouquet and the person who gives it to them, they’ll spend Valentine’s Day falling deeper in love with you.
Shown at $85.00
Shown at $85.00

Custom Flower Design
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
Buy Now
Roses are red, violets are blue, send flowers on Valentines day and you won't be blue too. Nothing means more to your sweetheart than surprises. On Valentines Day, surprise her with a lush bouquet of roses from GAITHER'S FLORIST in Talladega. When it comes to romance, your local florist, GAITHER'S FLORIST knows best. Let us help you choose the perfect bouquet of flowers for your sweetheart. You can browse the selection above and buy online, or give us a call for something more custom. Whether she likes roses or Gerberas, red or purple, we can create something one-of-a-kind this Valentines Day.